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Ryder Cup AAR: Comrade Trapp (Allies) vs Codename Condor (Axis) **Restarted**

Comrade Trapp

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September 17, 1939

Germany invades Poland, 1 Polish army and 1 corps is destroyed, a German corps attacks the Polish Air Force reducing it to 7. Remnants of the Polish Army flank the German advance from both the north and south in an attempt to put a strain on German supplies.

Germany declares war on Denmark, the German Navy assisted by one air fleet of the Luftwaffe attacks the Danish corps in Copenhagen reducing it to 8. A German corps crosses into Southern Denmark.

In the North Atlantic, the Royal and French Navies aggressively search for German U-boats, no contact as of yet.

[ August 18, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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October 15, 1939

Warsaw falls, Poland surrenders. German corps reaches outskirts of Copenhagen.

Germany declares war on the Low Countries, quickly captures Brussels, LC surrenders. The RAF and French AF intercepts the Luftwaffe over Brussels, both sides take losses. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in France.

In the North Atlantic, one German U-boat is sunk and another seriously damaged.

[ August 17, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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November 12, 1939

In France, the French 4th Army is destroyed northwest of the Ardennes; a German corps exploits the hole in French lines and cuts off the French 1st Army in the north. The French 2nd Army falls back to defend Paris, the French 1st Army retreats but is hampered due to lack of supplies. Denmark standing firm.

In the North Atlantic, the 2nd German U-boat is sunk. 2 RN BBs and 1 CA are slightly damaged, but both RN carriers gain experience for sinking the U-boats.

[ August 18, 2003, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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December 10, 1939

In France, the French 1st and 3rd Armies are destroyed in heavy fighting. French forces immediately launch a counter-attack and destroy a German Pz Group. Despite this, German forces reach the outskirts of Paris.

Italy is quick to take advantage of the situation and declares war on the Allies at the end of the turn.

[ August 17, 2003, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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January 7, 1940:

After a ferocious french counterattack that killed a panzer group the german troops take Paris, denmark also surrenders. Fast campaign with only 1 casualty. Italy makes no moves into france since france surrenders the very same turn. Brest still allied and french AF evacuated to uk soil.

Now i have to see where i inveest my money.

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February 4, 1940

France and Denmark surrender. The loss of France this early in the game is a setback, but a number of French forces turn "Free French", that combined with the destruction of a Pz Group helps make up for the early surrender. The Canadian 1st Army still holds Brest.

Allied forces now prepare for Axis expansion elsewhere.

In England, Prime Minister Winston Churchill declares:

"Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar."

[ August 17, 2003, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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May 12, 1940

Axis declares war on Norway; capture Oslo first turn, Norway surrenders. British I corps arrives in Bergen.

In the Central Med, a Luftwaffe air fleet engages the 2nd RAF over Malta, both sides take minimal losses. Italian forces spotted on the coast of Algiers, Axis invasion of Vichy France considered immanent.

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June 9, 1940

Axis declares war on Vichy France, both Marseilles and Algiers captured first turn, Vichy surrenders. The 2e REI of the French Foreign Legion quickly secures Syria.

In the Central Med, the 2nd RAF in Malta is hammered by the Luftwaffe (assisted by the Italian Navy), Malta abandoned.

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June 23, 1940

Axis declares war on Sweden, Swedish forces fall back to defend Stockholm.

In the Med, Malta falls to the Italians, enemy forces detected in Western Egypt, more reinforcements arrive.

The 1st Canadian Army in Brest is attacked for the first time, attack repelled with no losses.

[ August 19, 2003, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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July 7, 1940

In Sweden, Swedish forces hold for a second turn. The Canadian 1st Army in Brest is attacked reducing it to 8.

Italians advancing further into Egypt, thus far they have been unopposed.

War Readiness

United States: 53%

Soviet Union: 57%

[ August 18, 2003, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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July 1940

Allies declare war in Iraq, the 2 oil fields are quickly secured by a Free French corps, Baghdad is attacked by 2 corps assisted by 2 airfleets and RAF Bomber Command.

Sweden holds out for a third turn, but will fall next turn.

The Canadian 1st Army in Brest is pounded and is forced to withdraw, Brest will fall next turn.

RAF finally gets Jets +1.

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