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Russia and the Baltic States


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I've got a quick question about Russia and the Baltic States. Is there a set date that Russia will annex the Baltic States I missed it if it was in the Rules doc. Ide like to try invadeing the baltic states before takeing on russia. Ive noticed that russias war % goes through the roof when ger. invades the Baltic States (makes sence to me) any way if there were a set date for russian annexation I could plan to attack right before it occures thus allowing me the most time to prepare for my russian offensive.


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While you're fighting elsewhere be sure to keep an adequate garrison in Poland. Normally I keep a corps each in Konnisburg and Warsaw with two adjacent to the new Soviet border. Possibly I over garrison by one, but it keeps Russia quiet till mid-41. After that time USSRs inclination towards war rises sharply and steadily with each turn.

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Jersey John

Thanks for the tip. Just recently I had a game where I had left no units on the soviet frontier. Russia can in sooner than I expected and really caught me with my pants down.I had no idea untill now that my pulling those units affected Russias readyness.*sigh* Still so much to learn.

BTW great stuff you've been putting up about Neutrals and Minors.

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Second the motion, Shaka. My favorite is the damn thing waits till I buy an aircraft carrier or some other insanely expensive item, then tells me at the end of the turn I've gone to the next level of Industrial Technology. Downright saddistic and can't possibly be an accident!

Wildcat, glad you can use that tidbit. Incidentally, if you put too many units along it's border it has the same effect of putting too few! It seems to count them within two hexes.

The Forum pages are full of tactical tips. They're worth skimming through till you find things that are usefull.

[ February 05, 2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Wildcat70:

Jersey John

Just recently I had a game where I had left no units on the soviet frontier. Russia can in sooner than I expected and really caught me with my pants down.I had no idea untill now that my pulling those units affected Russias readyness.*sigh* Still so much to learn.

LOL, Wildcat. I know the feeling. I have played as Axis twice so far, initially as Beginner and the last time on Expert / + 0. I figured out the Soviet border staffing pretty well based on info posted here, so there were no nasty early surprises from the Russkies. But the AI opened a can of whoop-ass on me in my first game by launching Overlord in '42, caught me napping in France. Sharp lesson learned, the last time I garrisoned better and left air units in spotting range of the Channel.

In Russia, the AI was disappointingly passive. Even on Expert, once I killed off all its armor units, it never rebuilt these, instead it seemed content to spawn corps around the cities and hunker down on the defensive. I was really hoping to see it pull of some Uranus/Neptune, Bagration surprises out of the hat. Even the Siberians just got fed into the Wehrmacht meat grinder, though I suppose they'll have a lot more impact playing at Level +1 or +2.

I am really hoping for the AI to pull off some wild schemes in future games to keep things lively. So far it has seemed to stick pretty much to historical precedent.

[ February 05, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Steve C ]

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