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UI wishes...

Capt. Fubar

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One place where I'd like to see enhancement is with the game's UI.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) Hotkeys for unit actions, e.g., Ctrl-R = reinforce; Ctrl-M = reinforce max, etc..

2) User control over how much of the screen is taken up by UI elements, e.g. ability to close/re-size some of the other elements so more screen space can be devoted to the map.

3) Some options for user control of screen resolution. I'm running at 1280x1024, and the main window doesn't fill my screen.


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Based on the demo, one thing I'd like to see is the 'Yes' and 'No' confirmation button locations swapped only in the 'Quit' menu.

That way, if you accidentally hit 'quit' rather than 'done' and are operating on mental autopilot, you will instinctively click 'no' in the confirmation dialogue box (because it is where the 'yes' key is in every other menu).

In this case, if you accidentally click 'no' (you really intend to quit), there is no harm done.

It should take an actual intention to quit a game rather than be something you can do by accident and inattention.

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