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SC PBEM Leauge update


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Greetings, sending this out as a newsletter to all in the league but thought I would also post it here on the BF forum.

We continue to have new players in the league so I wanted to update everyone and especially the newer players on a couple of points that some had confusion on. I also hope to get another new email list out soon. I am layed up at home at the moment, I had a surgury this week and am to take it easy. I'm being medicated so I can blame anything I say that is wrong on the medication. smile.gif

A couple of points I wanted to clear up.

1) If you wish to change your email. Please do it on the site. It is just too much work for me to try to change everyone's email when they have a change. If you will update it on the site, It will be updated when I send out the new list because I always use the site email.

2) RULES and HOUSERULES - Here is what is written in our houserules section on the site.

"We want this to be as simple as possible - therefore anything that the game allows. Deal with it - players can set their own house rules before starting the game. If no houserules are set then anything is possible. If there is a reload problem the players will bring the dispute to the attention of the League administor and he will make a ruling. He will either have the game forfeited (in extreem cases only), or have the game restarted with an MPP penalty, or penalty in a future game, or nothing. Please be careful and have NO reloads. Have HONOR. Any house rules and bidding is completely up to the players."

There has been some confusion here between players. The league does not have any set rules so all players are responsible before their game starts to set up any houserules. A few players thought we were going by the old Z-leauge rules. Some others thought that we did not allow amphibius landings on the same turn as a declaration of war. No that is not true. You could even try the Rome gambit or the Riga gambit if you would like if you play with anything goes. When we started the league there were so many ideas of what should be allowed or what should not be allowed that we simply felt the players in the game should decide. So please when starting a game set any houserule that both players will agree to. If no houserules are set then the game is wide open.

Take care and Happy Gaming.


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