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Wish List For SC


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1. Much Larger Map:

Just like the great but flawed Clash of Steel North African campaigns just don't work.

The map needs to go north and south a least 4 more hexes. The Atlantic Ocean needs to be made at least 3 times as big and Iceland should be added as a staging ground for invading America. Invading Russia is a blast but the map should go east at least as far as the Caspian Sea and include Persia.

2. Add a Manhatten Project in research with 5 different stages like heavy water, fission etc.

An atom bomb could be delivered by air or rocket and always completely destroy a city and its defenders.

3. Annexations: Allow annexations of cities bordering your country and the area around them

leading to more efficient production afterwards.

4. Allow Germany to turn on Italy and conquer and plunder it. Not unlike what happened lin the latter part of the war.

5. Allow supply by air.

6. Improve War Map graphics. France and Germany are too similar in color.

It's a great game but could be greater.

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1. Allow for optional interception. It is totally unreasonable and very frustrating to not be allowed the choice whether to intercept air strikes. There is simply NO way to have a small air force. You either have total air superiority or you dont have any functional effective air power at all. Build one air fleet in russia or france - watch each turn as it is slaughtered in interception efforts you dont want it involved in - just to keep the unit from being destroyed you have to blow mpps out of your liited budget. Plus the whole interception thing seems out of whack. I have had level one german air fleets attack british units an a level 4 fighter intercept. The german lost 2 points the british 5! I dont mean to belabor the point but in most games I have to either have as many air units at the same strength as germanys or what I do have I have to hide. Not fun!

2. Somehow someway revamp the uboat/strategic bombing aspects of the game. Uboats are simply a waste of money, they dont do enough damage, dont destroy enough mpps, are detected too easily, should be cheaper and smaller in unit size, should be able to properly reflect the damage to british supply shipping that nearly won the war, should be able to impact british shipping from far more areas than just two ports, should be able to get into the atlantic without being immediately slaughtered by british ships yes I know that britain sealed off the atlantic to virtually the entire german navy, but the uboats primarily operated from the western coast of france - Ive never even gotten mine there.

3. this may be totally undoable - and I have to say here that I enjoy the game - I dont want anyone to confuse my suggestions as complaining or griping - but adding at least one row to the south, and perhaps the north would add so much to the game. as it is north africa is a non issue. it isnt worth anything, and it is virtually impossible to conquer anything

4. find some way to reflect the industrial capacity of the us, there is no way that britain at @ 120 mpps should be producing 2/3 the capacity of the us or more unequal russia outproducing the us 2 to 1. Couldnt there be some way to reflect a gradual increase in the production capacity of the us.

Anyway there are my two cents worth - I enjoy this game and I hope everyone remembers that this is just a game - it is supposed to be fun, not a history lesson, not perfect, not the cure for cancer - just a game to waste some time playing till someone guilts you into taking out the garbage.

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