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39 Mod 2 for Friendly Fire


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Hi Curry,

I guess this is Amona´s Fall Weiss mod 2. You can download it at Panzerliga (ATM the 5th scenario at the scenario page):


or via Direct link to the file

This scenario is balanced for veteran players and gives Allies more options. Logically new/unexperienced players have no chance as Axis ;) - so for a balanced game with this scenario, both players need some experience.

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Yes, Allies should not need a bid.

An experienced german player will have no problems to conquer France (additional HQ, AF, army etc). But longterm Allies have a very strong position. With their larger fleet they can start own operations and keep naval superiority. Iraq already belongs to them and with their Med task force they can conquer Tobruk and then should be able to hold Egypt/Iraq. Russia and USA are also a lot stronger, especially tech wise (IT 5, AT, HT..more chits).

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Hey Curry, this is indeed the scenario. I had to seek some advice from Terif in order to defeat my own defense. He was very helpful and I realize now some fundamental mistakes I make in the French campaign, so I think I improved my play as a result.

My record in the scenario is something like 6-0 as allies, each time France held.

I am winning one Axis, but only because I was able to make a late Sealion, otherwise I was doomed against the Russians with their L2 tanks and IT5!

And in my only other game going using this scenario it is very interesting and close. I am Axis and have taken all the minors, in the East i have secured the RMKO line. But the Allies struck back and took Finland and Scandanavia with well executed strikes and support from American carriers (!). The defense around Central Russia is expected to stiffen and sometime soon there will be a landing on the continent, so it will go down to the wire! .

So what I am really saying, is that in my opinion Axis better know what the hell they are doing or they are going to get smashed. It is a great scenario, try it out!


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another update on the game mentioned above...

(1939 modified scenario, US and USSR both have IT5 and lots of tech)

there is now a wall of Italian units lined up across France ready to hold back the expected invasion. A few German air fleets in France sink an American BB, intercepted by carriers.

Stalin is losing sleep in Russia. German units are adjacent to Moscow. Lenningrad is not threatened but in the South combat is heavy. but the seasons German troops are facing green recruits, and those units that manage to survive the frontal assualt are devoured by the Luftwaffe.

Unless the western Allies can open up a second theater Russia will not be saved. Stay tuned!

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