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Hi, I'm new to the forum, but not the game. As great as it is, it does have a few (very few) problems that could be fixed in Strategic Command 2 (if there is one).

1. Make the hexes smaller. Each hex is suppoused to be 50 miles. I assume that armies in WWII did not take 50 miles of space, and certainly corps and tank groups didn't either. I suggest reducing the hexes to a smaller size, maybe 25 miles each. This would get rid of the problems in North Africa and the Atlantic people are complaining about.

2. Have non-resource hexes be worth MPP. This makes sense to me because in SC, the only parts of a country that are worth anything are cities/resources. Are we to believe that the rest of the areas are desolate wasteland? I suggest that one hex equals maybe 1 MPP or less. Armies could get supply from these hexes depending on how much combat has occured on that hex. I don't know if this is possible, but it's a suggestioin.

3. Allow Corps to combine. Allow two corps to combine to form an army. Each corp at full health would add 3 units to an army. Add a forth corp to get an army with 12. Each corp would be worth 3. This would help with after the Germans have been stopped in Russia and the Allied player has dozens of damaged Corps that can't do anything helpful.

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Sounds good to me except the game itself would have to be recalibrated to the altered map! smile.gif

If the game scale isn't changed (except for movement points) perhaps a zone of control rule would have to be added so corps and armies would defend areas comparable to their present abilities. If not they'd be too easily flanked and surrounded.

The additional hexes would create a deeper North African area perhaps extending far enough south for some maneuvering.

[ February 08, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Since this is SCII, I assume I don't have the same map limitations I did in SC. If that is the case, I wouldn't want a smaller hex, I would want more hexes (same 50 miles) representing a larger area. Using the current map as a guide, North Africa would only need about three (3) or four (4) more rows of hexes. The real thing though would be the representation of the North Atlantic. If that is at a 50mile hex scale, it would make alot of us happy, though we would have to do alot more scrolling. Trying to represent North Atlantic at a 25mile hex would be way too much.

Non-resource hexes worth 1 or 2 MPP. Interesting. It would be more realistic, though I don't think it would make much of a difference to us as players. I don't think you should be able to draw supply from those hexes. While you could have gotten food, artillery ammunition, aircraft munitions, etc, would not be in those hexes.

Allowing Corps to combine. Each Army now represents two (2) Corps. If I understand what you want, you are asking for the ability to merge (combine) low strength units into a larger unit. So you are not asking for stacking. Would you also want the ability to take an Army and split it into two (2) Corps?

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