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Intel Reports for SC2

Steve C

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What do you guys think of the reports which can be viewed in SC and what would you like to see changed / improved for SC2 ?

In SC, the reports are pretty bare bones. The MPP levels are a huge essential, displayed front and center on the war map as they should be. The Strength total is something I pay less attention to, perhaps less than I should. The loss summaries are so minimalist that I don't get too much out of them. Same goes for the turn summary which you can turn off and on.

For SC2, I would like to see the following:

MPP Trend Chart - Shows a timeline with the MPP of the five major powers over time.

Loss Summary - Broken down in more detail, summarizing by unit type.

Historical Summary - Bullet list of the major events, organized in a journal format with tabs for each year. Sort of a Cliff's Notes AAR, if you will.

Unit Histories / Battle Honors - Similar to Panzer General. Of course, there are many more units in SC, but I'd at least like to have a better accounting for the performance of my Leaders.

Tech Development Chart ? What else ?

Of course, we all like the $25 price of SC. Best bargain in PC gaming. ;) But I'd be willing to pay a few extra bucks for some more detailed accounting. And it wouldn't get in the way of SC's clean style of play, adding complexity only when you choose to view it, not micro-management forced upon you as part of the basic game mechanics.

[ February 06, 2003, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Steve C ]

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Originally posted by waltero:

where one guy plays At SC level and your subordinates play on the Combat mission level.

We tried this once using a tier of wargames. At the lowest level we played Squad Leader and translated those results in Panzerleader and then translated those results into Fortress Europa.

It was very interesting, and a pain to keep track of. Of course computers would have made it easier.

The one major drawback, and it was a MAJOR one. It took forever to do one turn. As a matter of fact we scraped the whole silly thing after the first few engagements. It just took to long.

Of course, computers would speed it up, but it would still take a while to play one turn.

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Sounds about right. I've seen several wargames, such as Lords of the Realm that function on a strategic level then telescope a level down for tactical battle play (or the computer can summarize the results). It's a good idea but can be taken too far even for a computer!

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I'd like something like that also, but it have to include an option where the computer summarizes.

How would the tactical naval and air moves be handled? Possibly they could be automatically summarized by the computer with tactical air support figured into ground combat.

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I would like easier access to my unit information. Right now you have to go to the Purchase screen to see what your attack/defense ratings are for a unit type. This could simply be displayed at the bottom of the screen with other unit information (Supply, experience, etc).

I think there should be an option to see attack chance percentages. I think this would be useful to see the differences between being in certain terrains, at what readiness/supply, with what experience, etc. It could be a simple, rounded perecentage. You click on your unit, then you hover the mouse over the unit you want to attack and it displays a percentage over that unit. This would be nice for new players as well as old players who want to learn more about the chances of success. Again, this would need to be an option you can turn on and off.

Portraits for your HQ units would be a nice touch too... smile.gif

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