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huge number of WWII pics at newsgroup

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I just checked the newsgroup alt.binaries.pictures.military and there are a huge number of WWII pics there, color and B&W, both allied and axis. For any interested parties there is a huge number of pics that might help in mods or just for interest purposes.


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Well, I'll give it a shot:

The easy part:

Win98 SE: In Outlook Express, Tools, Accounts, News, Add.

The other part:

Add your news account details, the most significant bit being the News server account name. For me, it's 'news', since that's how @home have set it up. For you, it may be a phone call or e-mail to your ISP to find out what news service you have.

Failing that, try this page:


which yielded this nugget to me (US-based):

add a news account for test.news.rcn.net checking the 'server-requires-an-account' box, and using 'guest' as the account name, and 'guest' as the password.

There, hope it helps.

[Edited to include some content, minor though it may be...]

[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Letsbe Ave. ]</p>

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