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On Australian TV tonight, 11:50pm, ABC-TV "Reach for the Sky"

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Perhaps one of the best movies to be made about the RAF, "Reach for the Sky" is on this evening. I am sure that all my fellow Australians who are unable to read their newspapers to discover that this little gem is on. If you want to see Spitfires, Hurricanes and other RAF frontline aircraft, then this is one of the movies to watch.

BTW, did anybody else see "Hell in the Pacific" last night? Interesting Documentry, doesn't pull punchs. Ex-Imperial Japanese Army soldiers admitting their atrocities in China, ex-US Marines admitting their's in hte Pacific. Film of both. Interviews with survivors of Japanese atrocities. Very Anglo-centric though, but what else is to be expected from a British show? Bit too fast paced for my liking. Covering 1900-15 Feb'42 in one program with only 15 minutes given to the whole Malayan campaign was a bit short.

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