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Infantry Uniform Mods - Request for BTS...

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Some stunning uniform mods coming out which really add to the immersion and visual appeal of this great game. However nearly all are handicapped by the large number of shared textures between different troop types which mean the mods will produce inappropriate uniform combinations.

The most frustrating for me personally is the shared grey headgear texture for all German troops except black Volksturm/panzer. Photos indicate camo helmet covers and foliage nets were extremely common in '44'45 - more so than camo tunics. But with nets you end up with strange gebirgs caps. SS and Heer used different camo patterns and the gebirgs are still a problem Would it cause a great performance hit if there four headgear slots instead of two? (Heer/FJ helmets; Gebirgs; SS; Panzer/Volks)

Similarly for the allies - shared sleeve textures for infantry and tankers prevents the convincing use of unit insignia such as the excellent ones made by Michael Dorosh. British tankers often wore special overalls anyway. Even when the wore BD they would usually adorn it with their Armoured Division and regimental insignia.

Not a major point, I know... smile.gif

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