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HE Burster Size for Tiger 88

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The HE burster size can have a fairly large influence on penetration performance, as large capacity burster in Flak 36 ammo decreased penetration by about -8%.

The 88mm Flak 36 APCBC round fired by the British in a test was 9.6 kg in weight and had a 157 gram HE burster. This appears to be the Pzgr 8.8cm projectile.

Mark Diehl's tables from AFV-G2 show a Pzgr 39 APCBC projectile for the Tiger gun with 10 kg weight and 114 gram HE burster.

Although we have not been able to find a smaller HE burster weight than 114 grams for Tiger weapon, there is a Pzgr Patr 41 round that is listed for the Flak 36 which has a 30 gram (estimated) burster.

Did the Tiger 88 fire the Pzgr Patr 41, how common was that ammo and when did it first appear?


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