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The Total Solution(heh)

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There sure are a lotta posts about making the game more balanced and house rules concerning how to spend points in quick battle mode.

To see what I mean, take a look at or revisit the thread concerning the point spread of armor for meeting engagements to refresh your mind how nasty these discussions can get.

You want a real quick game? Take a 700 point battle and let the computer pick your stuff. I find it a very fun alternative to all these house rules and suggestions. You dont have much, and you're stuck with whatever the higher ups (the computer smile.gif) give you.

Honestly, whether people want realism or historical sense isn't the point at all. People want to win. Thats the bottom line. I don't like it at all when more rules and stuff are forced upon you when all you want is a FAIR game. Life ain't fair, but this aint RL...

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