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Semi-randomm Thoughts

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*Disclaimer* This post does not contain the following: wild rantings about the need for more accurate modeling of the ballistic effects of body parts thrown up by high caliber artillery, long lists of "stuff that absolutely HAS to be in CMBB or it will suck, any intentional reference to the 'Pool(other than to say it is a very unique place-even for the internet) or mindless comparisons of CM to any other game(can you say "apples and oranges"?)

The other day while checking my e-mail for turns I had a sudden realization- because of Combat Mission I have made a bunch of new friends. Good ones, too. One of my opponents who I met playing the first NSS tourney(bastich beat me too smile.gif ) and I end up sending each other updates on life, the universe and everything. Toorob, who resides in Europe, keeps me informed of what is happening across the pond. Even Moriarty, although he is a gamey manhoover/atricioist bastich, makes me chuckle with his ramblings. Just about all of the folks that I have played have been pleasant and interesting to correspond with. When my little boy was sick in the hospital, everyone sent him their best wishes, hell not everyone at my work did that and I am a teacher. Truth be told there are time that I am more interested in what my opponents have to say than in the game, i really enjoy the interaction. I tell my wife about the game and she rolls her eyes, I tell her about what Ted wrote and she pays attention( hopefully, not too much attention :D ) The social aspect of the game is turning out to be the best part(except maybe blowing up Mort's tanks :D ) I hope that others have gained as much enjoyment out of the social interaction as I have.

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I couldn't agree with you more. There are some really neat and nice people out there. I don't play a lot of games right now due to it being summer but when winter comes and I'm at home a lot I'll play more and one of the reasons I enjoy it is the opponents you meet. But damn them for winning. :D

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