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CM thread Archive

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David Aitken. I was trying to search for info or a thread on the BAR and gave up so remembering that you had the above archive thought I'd see if I could find something from there. I looked but couldn't find anything. While looking I thought of something to throw at you to see if you might like it. If not no problem just thought I'd mention it. Sometimes it bugs me to see people always wanting to improve things other have started but sometimes it's good. So here goes. Why not have a topic named small arms. That way when a person wants to look up something there it is. Just an idea. :D One last little idea if you don't mind. I am really getting into this game and WWII and the threads are extremely helpful but I personally am having a hard time understanding a lot of the talk that goes on due to everybody using abbreviations like TD, SMG, etc. What about a list of abbreviations? Course you may not care to do either but thought I'd mention it. Maybe somebody could even point out a place that already has the abbreviations.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Actually, the precise topic names it a pet amusement for me. Does "Firing from halftracks" go under




I judge it by how many topics I have of a similar sort. I was planning on having a category starting with GAME ENGINE, but then I decided that most of the topics could theoretically fit in there. So as for your suggestion about small arms, if I had enough threads about enough different small arms, then I would create an ARMS, SMALL category. Just now it's just WEAPONS.

We could come down to the issue of, do I have a right to advertise a "CM Thread Archive" when it's really just my personal record, and not complete enough to live up to expectations? I'm afraid it's a hit or miss thing just now. Maybe you'll find what you're looking for, maybe not. I actually think it's better for browsing rather than searching – have a look at some of the greatest points of contention in the forum's history, but don't treat it as an encyclopaedia. :)

It wouldn't be difficult for me to lay out a few abbreviations and their meanings, but of course it would still be off the top of my head, and I'd have to do a lot of work in order to produce a complete reference. Admittedly they're easy for us grogs to throw around, but if you don't know the definition then you're locked out. Maybe I can come up with a basic starting-point reference. :) Of course, if anyone else knows of a good reference, do let us know!

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Thanks for the fast reply. Well, I see your point that it's not a everything archive but I will certainly look at it before I post a topic to see if I can get an answer there before posting. As far as the abbreviations go yeah it would be a monster to try to build and I realize you have a life so no problem there. Just thought I'd ask. Who knows maybe you knew about a place on the web where they all were nice and neat? Oh well, thanks for the reply. Appreciate it. smile.gif

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