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Panzer Elite

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Howdy all:

Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of Panzer Elite? I can't seem to find it in any store and the Wings web page only has a patch available. Has the game been discontinued? I too want to be the first kid on my block to drive a Tiger over a ditch while trying to get the dern thing in second gear!

Even the mighty Amazon.com does not carry it. What gives?

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ianc, I just want to state that ebay had an unfortunate typo that made it seem as though the price is much higher than its true list price. Everyone knows that the true price of Panzer Elite is fifty cents. wink.gif


Alas, it was not meant to be. Oh wreched fate!

Back to listening to the countless references on this forum about the "Best WW2 Tank Sim EVER". (sniff)

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