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ot-Has anyone tried Russo German war from Schwerpunkt

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A good friend of mine just got the game and says it looks pretty darned good. But he is a hard-core Russian Front aficionado. Any game on the Russian Front is apt to get good reviews from him ;) My own copy is still in the mail.

The game is apparently still a bit buggy right now. You might want to wait till the patches start getting cranked out. I think the first patch is due in a week or two.

Keep in mind this is an operational depiction of the War in the East. Division level. More akin to Norm Kroger’s "Operational Art of War" than CMBO. If you like operational level games I would strongly recommend HPS's game “Kharkov 42”. The game portrays the disastrous Red Army Counter Attack around Izyum in the Spring of 1942. Battalion level. 3 hour time length per turn. The campaign game is quite huge.

If you want you can drop me an email in a week or so. I should have the game on my hard-drive by that time and will be able to give you my own impression of the game.

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