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Multiple uniform textures in future CM releases?

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I posted this in the mod preview thred, but decided it was worthy of its own topic.

This might have been discussed already (I *tried* to search, but no luck) but has there been any talk of making more that one uniform texture available for the squad graphics in future versions of CM?

To explain, it would be nifty to have maybe two or three different helmet textures or uniform tunic textures that would be randomly applied to each figure in the squad depiction, much like the faces are done now. That way in theory you could have, say, a Heer squad with mixed Feldgrau and camo uniforms, or just helmets with mixed bare surfaces, netting, and camo covers.

Obviously this would work the best with the more rag-tag Germans with their historic mix of different uniform styles, but it could be applied in subtler ways to the allies, too.

One would think that this wouldn't be, *too* difficult, especially given BTS's promise to make the system requirements/recommendations a little higher for CM:BB and future releases. But who knows, it may be too tough to do, after all, I just mod themem, I don't know what makes them run... :P

Any thoughts? smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AndrewTF:

I posted this in the mod preview thred, but decided it was worthy of its own topic.

This might have been discussed already (I *tried* to search, but no luck) but has there been any talk of making more that one uniform texture available for the squad graphics in future versions of CM?

To explain, it would be nifty to have maybe two or three different helmet textures or uniform tunic textures that would be randomly applied to each figure in the squad depiction, much like the faces are done now. That way in theory you could have, say, a Heer squad with mixed Feldgrau and camo uniforms, or just helmets with mixed bare surfaces, netting, and camo covers.

Obviously this would work the best with the more rag-tag Germans with their historic mix of different uniform styles, but it could be applied in subtler ways to the allies, too.

One would think that this wouldn't be, *too* difficult, especially given BTS's promise to make the system requirements/recommendations a little higher for CM:BB and future releases. But who knows, it may be too tough to do, after all, I just mod themem, I don't know what makes them run... :P

Any thoughts? smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's most likely one of those features that would be nice to have but is way low on the priority list. A few months back Steve posted a lengthy post on the topic of CM2 developmental priorities and mod considerations were on the low priority part. It's possible but I wouldn't hold my breath. So far, I don't think BTS has said a definite yay or nay on it. They probably aren't sure themselves if they will have time to do it. Here is a copy of Steve's post:


This is our official response to the following thread:

WineCape's Megathread calling for suggestions for CM2 and beyond

I figured it would be better to make a new Topic instead of getting buried at Page 5

First of all I would like to thank everybody for participating in that thread, and the great initial call for suggestions from our wine slurping friend

Secondly, I think everybody here can now see why it is a living Hell being a game designer One person asked for people to post to a single thread their own pet suggestions. There must be at least a thousand unique suggestions in this one thread alone, yet there are probably only 100 posts from about that many people. Now, think about how many people did not response plus how many ideas we have, then take a guess at how many we can get in before our release timeframe of late Fall, early Winter 2001. Hint -> not even a tenth, probably not even a hundredth of even the "good" suggestions

OK, I have read all the suggestions thus far and I think they fall into the following categories:

Mod Extensions

Purpose: To gain additional/better access to the inner workings of CM. These suggestions range from opening up the datafiles to having a unique helmet texture for each soldier type.

General Environmental

Purpose: In general, to improve the look and feel of the game. To add atmosphere to the battlefield experience or the user interface. These suggestions range from more high res graphics to more detailed rubble to things like haystacks and other "clutter" in real world areas.

Tangential Mechanics

Purpose: To get more game play enjoyment out of the game through features not directly associated with the combat itself. Things like full movie playback, different camera angles, better way to save scenarios, etc.

Direct Mechanics

Purpose: To enhance the core simulation aspects of the game itself. This is the area that most affects the gameplay and the quality of the simulation. Examples are things like improved C&C, organic tank platoons, better treatment of MG abilities, etc.

Theater Issues

Purpose: To make the game feel more like a battle on the Eastern Front as opposed to anywhere else. These suggestions span the range of possible impacts, from simply having Soviet style city building textures all the way to making sure molotov cocktails will be included. More fundamental things, like the inclusion of German allied armies or a particular vehicle, fall into this category too.

OK, now that I have (roughly) defined the different types of suggestions, I will say that some of each of these will be going into CM2 for sure. They are, however, arranged above in order of priority. So Mod stuff is the smallest priority, Theater stuff is the highest priority. This does not mean that one is less "valuable" than the other, only that we have limited time and we need to favor those things that the game can not survive without more than the ones that can be lived without. I think you will all agree that putting in an IS-2 Soviet tank takes priority over customizing helmet textures

Having looked at all the suggestions I am VERY pleased to say that the vast majority of suggestions I saw were ones we looked at when coming up with CM2's target feature list. That means that we are thinking along the same lines as the people that took the time to post their ideas. I looked at people's names and feel quite confident that this is a pretty diverse bunch of people too, and therefore that we are solidly on the right track to "wow" you all with CM2.

As with all lists, some suggestions were a little too specific and unimportant in the grand scheme of things, so knowing we don't have enough time to do all of the important stuff... these kinds of suggestions aren't even being considered. In a perfect world, perhaps, but some are still "out there" a little too much for inclusion

It would take me a week to respond to the suggestions in that thread, so instead all I can say is...

Your thoughts and suggestions have been noted. It appears that we have listened well to you folks over the last two years because pretty much everything on our list was mentioned at least once, even if not in so many words. Because of this, we are well on the way to delivering something that will knock your socks off. No, it will certainly not have everything people want out of it (that would be impossible to do), but it will contain more than enough stuff to make people sit back and think "Holy Crap! And I thought I was blown away by the first one!"

So I am sure you are all wondering what exactly is on our list for CM2. Well, those of you that have hung out here for a while probably have a good sense of the big stuff since I have mentioned many of these things specifically. But until we get further along in development we are not planning on publishing a spec list for new/tewaked features. Therefore, I ask that you all just wait a little while longer until some of the buns in the oven are fully cooked. Trust me, we won't leave you hanging without specifics for long.

There are many things we regretfully can not do for CM2, either because we don't have the time or the engine would need to be trashed in order to make it happen (which requires 3-6 months just to get started adding new stuff). That is what the game engine rewrite, scheduled to start soon after CM2 is out the door, is meant to address. So although I know people will be blown away by the Eastern Front version, we still have more in store for you in the future. Think of the Combat Mission experience as an evolutionary work in progress. CM1 was a great first step, CM2 will push this further, the engine rewrite will establish a new standard once again, the next one after that will go further still, etc., etc., etc. Hey, we have a 12 year development plan, so block out some game time in your calendars for a long time to come

Thanks for the unparalleled support and dedication to our work. You folks have no idea how important your enthusiasm and support is for us, both personally and professionally.



[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]

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