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I am looking for a good book that covers the period of the war and the weapons used by both the axis and allies. I have found a few on Amazon but I am hesitant to buy with out a few suggestions from you guys.

I'm new to the community and war gaming and think this knowledge would make the game a hell of alot more fun.

Please suggest more than one cause I am sure that there may be books that cover Armor,Infantry etc.....

Thanks for your help!!

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Start big and narrow down. The Second World War by Keegan is pretty good. Also Total War though the author's names escape me right now is very good. Some west front materiel might be A Bridge Too Far, a classic. Also Steel Inferno and The Devil's Adjutant are excellent. For the east front you might try The Road to Stalingrad and The Road to Berlin. Some of the others should be able to fill you in on more equipment-oriented tomes.


Edited because I'm having problems posting tonight.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: von Murrin ]</p>

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Aside from the histories mentioned above, I suggest picking up "Closing with the Enemy" by Michael D. Doubler. I've said more than once that BTS should get publishing rights and market it as the CMBO Strategy Guide. It goes into some detail about how small units fought and I for one have found it quite helpful.

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