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Grand Strategic Startegy Info

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This is for information purposes and it is up to you how you apply it to CM. In short it is a conceptual article describing the differences in two forms of war : "decisive manouver" and "blitzkrieg".


In basic terms Schlieffen established a doctine of decisive manouvre which he called Vernichtungsgedanke, a strategic method designed to avoid costly frontal attacks whereby fast, far reaching concentric encircling movements, launched into the enemies flanks, sought to bring about annihlating Kesselchlacten (cauldon battles).

The primary aim of Schlieffen's doctrine was the physical destruction of the enemy , as opposed to the paralysis of the enemy, by rendering inoperative his power of command - enshirned in the Blitzkrieg dictrine.

Although decisive manouver was the common denominator of both strategies, this was thier only affinity, in all other respects there was a direct conflict between the two concepts. For ease of understanding, the fundamenmtal differences can be seen in tables below:


[ this is very like Napolian for those with an historical bent]

Well co-ordinated flanking and encircling movements by the mass of the army, aimed at creating cauldron battles.

Guarded flanks, and unbroken if strained lines of communication.

Centralised control

Mass infantry armies with the panzers acting inj concert with the aim of causing the physical destruction of the enemy.


Deep penitration into the enemies rear, through a narrow gap punched in the weakest point of the enemies front.

Suprize and high velocity forward movement, leaving the far extended flanks unguarded.

Independent action

Panzers in the form of a relatively small attacking force, unhindered by the slower mass of the field army, which had the subordinate task of mopping up isolated pockets of resistance and capturing large numbers of demoralised and disorganised troops. The aim was to cause paralysis of the enemy.


The division of opinion between german generals on the relative merits of the traditional and new revolutionary strategy remained unresolved during both the planning and the invasion of Russia and the subsequent operations on the Eastern Front.

( In fact both strategies were used: what should have been a Blitzkreig to Moscow turned out to be a Cauldron battle in Smolemsk, to which Hitler described as the greatest defeat in human history. He negelected his own a few years later)

Contrary to popular belief, the Polish

campaign has been planned and fought strictly in accord with the structures of

Vernichtungsgedanke and was not the first demonstration of the Blitzkrieg


There is more in this article but i have covered the main points. I hope someone finds this materail useful.


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