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Maroon LOS/targeting line?

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I did a search and someone wrote that the maroon targeting line means that the target is within LOS but the unit would have to rotate to fire upon it.

Now I've since seen the maroon line used when the firing unit is a flexible MG (no rotation should be necessary), and I've seen it when the unit was already firing on the target in question, so you wouldn't think there's much adjustment necessary there!

So the question is, is there an alternate meaning? Something like "You can choose this target, but because of range/obstructions, it would be a waste of ammo"?

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Guest Michael emrys

Is your vehicle in motion? I've noticed that for some vehicles, if they are in motion they cannot establish an LOS outside their forward arc. I haven't checked to see if the same is true about targetting, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Michael, you posted at the same time I did my last one there...the halftracks were in motion at the time. Two of them, both getting red lines pretty much all over the place, but able to see a ways, to be sure. And one was merrily firing away at the target it was showing a red line for.

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