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Time to archive or summat?

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Is there any way that topics older than, say 1-Jan-2001 could be archived into a write-locked forum for refernce purposes? Take a copy, delete the newer posts, write-lock it; delete the older posts from the 'live' forum?

Repeat every year...

The search 'feature' seems to be slower and slower, and generally only good for an excuse for a tea-break, not that an excuse is ever really needed... :D

I am assuming that the number of topics and replies is somewhat related to the slowness.

I apologise if this has been covered before, but this is the very first time I have whined about it, honest guv ;)

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That really sounds like a good idea to me but don't know if it is but I have a feeling we are fixin to find out from somebody that knows. But put me down for it anyway. I just an hour or so ago tryed doing a search and gave up myself. I bet a day doesn't go by that someone else says the same thing so there is a problem but how to fix it is another story.

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