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The Value of Infantry!!!!

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I wanted to start a post on the value of infantry. I use them for taking ground, but I leave the heavy fighting for the tanks. What do you guys use your infantry for. I take out enemy tanks then beat the enemy to death with tanks, then move in infantry. What do you guys do. Oh damn, my stake is burning be back soon. Your pal, the crazy man who thinks hes good at CM.

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Tanks are fine and good but without infantry they are of limited value. It is very extremely difficult to hold or control terrain with just tanks. In addition, without an infantry screen, taking tanks into undulating or urban terrain is suicide. I use tanks to support the maneuver of the infantry. As the infantry works toward the objective they also scout for my tanks by checking buildings and wooded areas for weapons that might destroy the tanks. In turn the tanks destroy weapon systems that the infantry cannot handle.

The key tactic for incorporating tanks and infantry is to remember tanks are to support infantry not the other way around. Therefore, in a way it is not the value of infantry in and of itself, but that infantry makes everything else more valuable.

My main focus with CM is fighting in nasty terrain and especially MOUT. Tanking in tank country (plains, open areas, etc) is easy. Tanking in choppy terrain is an art unto itself.

My 2 cents worth :D

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In the attack, I use infantry to locate and (if possible) fix enemy forces. I use MGs and mortars to suppress and attrite enemy infantry prior to close assaulting them with my infantry. I use fire from tanks and other AFVs for that purpose as well. In addition, they have the job of suppressing and destroying enemy MGs. Usually the best weapon for taking out AT guns is artillery, including on-map mortars. Artillery is also good to saturate a platoon position preparatory to assaulting it. Infantry is good at preventing Schreck/zook teams from working into position to get a shot at the armor.

So you see, every element of a combined arms team has an indispensible role to play. Properly coördinated, they support each other and achieve far more than any by itself.


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