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Combat Mission 3 - or: FIGHTING STEEL!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman:

I may have spoken too soon when I told that poster "go get a copy of Action Stations." I can't find info about it ANYWHERE (surely somebody has managed to cobble together a playable version for modern computers??!)


You could run your query, Doug, to the NWS guys I provided a link to earlier in this thread. They have been using Action Stations' gunnery tables as a reference to reclassify gun types and gun class accuracy in their "Fighting Steel Project" effort. But at one time, I think that even they have had difficulties in getting new copies, or in reaching the rules author (Zimm?).

Battleship Warfare is an upcoming project from NWS, but my understanding of this game is that it is to be playable as a tabletop miniatures rules, with a ported PC version. I can try to search my earlier NWS newsletters about this, or contact Chris D of NWS directly if you are so inclined.

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As indicated above I will be moving this thread but I for one would LOVE a naval game as detailed as CM set in the Pacific...

Mmmmm Savo Island...Guadacanal... :D

By the way, there was a game in devolopement called Raider Operations that showed much promise, maybe someone still has a link handy.


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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