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Hey CMPlayer I played the game

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Well I told you I'd try your idea about lining the troops up in column and advancing across the board. Well, I did and it was really a lot of fun. I actually won but was surprised because I thought I got my butt kicked. Score was 39 to 61. It was however a "Allied minor Victory" but I'll take it. So, if you haven't played it you show try it. Man, were they waiting for me however. If I didn't know any better I'd say the AI cheaped. I mean everything they had was right in my way. I just ran straight into his 3 Panzers which knocked out my 3 M4 Shermans within the first 4 turns. Anyway it was a blast and I think I'll do it again but this time with more troops and better tanks. Thanks for the idea it was a lot of fun. smile.gif

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