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Are you a REAL General ??

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I downloaded the game this afternoon and have been playing it off and on against the AI all day and night. I am attacking as the Germans and so far (knock wood) I am kicking some serious butt. I have lost approximately a squad and a half and have destroyed or routed what looks like a full company of Amis including all the mgs. Haven't lost a single vehicle and have been using the Quad 20s to devestating effect.

So far have only met one enemy AFV and have dispatched it (a long range duel with a StuG III) handily.

Some of the lads are getting a little low on ammo, but I am about to secure the first bunch of big buildings on turn 18. Have also secured the small flag on my right with the loss of only 4 men. I am going to spend the next turn or two regrouping, as things get a little messy when one finally meets the enemy. Some of the lads are out of C&C too so we need to tidy up before we push on to the next objectives.

So far it has been fun.

The Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng

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