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Looks like some decent stuff on this morning.

9:00AM - 10:00AM Weapons at War

Elite German Forces of WWII

Carefully selected and trained, the German army gave them the most dangerous assignments in WWII. From the Waffen S.S. to the Elite Mountain Division, these units applied unconventional warfare on land, air, and sea. TV G

10:00AM - 11:00AM Secrets of World War II

Adolf Hitler's Last Days

With access to Eva Braun's personal photograph album, this episode reconstructs the final days in Hitler's underground lair and examines the possibility of escape for a select few. TV G

And all day sunday!!

3:00PM - 4:00PM Battle Stations

Sherman Assault

An exciting series that takes viewers into the heart of action as it focuses on a particular machine from WWII, beginning with the story of its design and manufacture and showing the machine in combat, using vintage archive footage. Miniature cameras take viewers inside the machine to share with its crew the experience of war. In this episode, ride along in the thick of battle in the American M4 Sherman Tank, as it blasts its way into history and paves the way for the liberation of Europe. TV G

4:00PM - 5:00PM Battle Stations

Spitfire Squadron

An exciting series that takes viewers into the heart of action as it focuses on a particular machine from WWII, beginning with the story of its design and manufacture and showing the machine in combat, using vintage archive footage. Miniature cameras take viewers right inside the machine to share with its crew the experience of war. In this episode, see how it feels to be a Spitfire fighter pilot in a dogfight as these superb planes defend the skies from Nazi bombers during the Battle of Britain. TV G

5:00PM - 6:00PM Battle Stations

Drop Zone

An exciting series that takes viewers into the heart of action as it focuses on a particular machine from WWII, beginning with the story of its design and manufacture and showing the machine in combat, using vintage archive footage. Miniature cameras will take viewers right inside the machine to share with its crew the experience of war. In this episode, we fly on a Dakota, an American C47/DC3 cargo plane used to transport paratroops across the English Channel for the D-Day Invasion at Normandy. TV G

6:00PM - 7:00PM Battle Stations

DUKW Landing

An exciting series that takes viewers into the heart of action as it focuses on a particular machine from WWII, beginning with the story of its design and manufacture and showing the machine in combat, using vintage archive footage. Miniature cameras take viewers right inside the machine to share with its crew the experience of war. In this episode, we ride in the American DUKW Amphibious Vehicle ("Duck" to G.I.s), a GM-transformed truck that could go almost anywhere on land or sea! TV G

7:00PM - 8:00PM Secrets of World War II

The Secrets of Guadalcanal

Hundreds of sailors, eight ships, and two U.S. admirals were lost in an action where valor overcame mistakes made by both sides in the first large-scale Allied victory over the Japanese and the final defeat of Admiral Yamamoto. Discover how the Japanese, with superior land, sea, and air forces strategically and tactically failed. TV G

8:00PM - 9:00PM Suicide Missions

Ball Turret Gunners

In war, certain missions demand the most and constitute much of the legends of bravery. Journey back to the Second World War, when fearless airmen manned the B-17's belly guns--glass bubbles that at any moment could become their coffin. The ball turret gunners called their work "flying the ball", others called it crazy! TV PG

9:00PM - 10:00PM Military Blunders

Kasserine Pass/Battle of the Bulge

U.S. troops arriving in Tunisia for their first campaign of WWII were certain that, with their resources and equipment, they would quickly show the German Afrika Korps who the new masters were. Unfortunately, Field Marshal Rommel and his battle-hardened veterans hadn't read the new script! Next, we see how Field Marshal Montgomery deployed British airborne brigades one bridge too far in Germany and brought lightly armed paratroops up against two crack S.S. Panzer divisions. TV G

10:00PM - 11:00PM History Undercover

Hunting Hitler

The target of a daring assassination plot by members of his military, Hitler nearly died at Wolf's Lair, his main wartime headquarters. It was one of 15 known attempts on his life. This is the story of those diverse individuals who tried to alter history's course, and of a top secret British plot to kill the most hated man on earth. TV G

11:00PM - 12:00AM Sworn to Secrecy

German Intelligence in World War II

Charlton Heston narrates this examination of the Axis intelligence operations during World War II, and the secret feuds among the leaders of the German military and Nazi spy organizations. TV G


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

[This message has been edited by joeski (edited 03-17-2001).]

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