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I have played demo only and am still waiting for the full version I have ordered last week.

I must say that this game is the best game I've ever played!

[This message has been edited by JavaMan (edited 08-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by JavaMan (edited 08-16-2000).]

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Just lost a QB game to the AI (my first!), though I admit I stacked the deck a little bit in its favor. 2000 point game, me conducting an allied probe with armor vs. axis combined arms. I selected this configuration to reduce my available infantry and my attacker's multiplier. I also picked May '45 to maximize the chance it would have some big iron.

I let the computer buy, and ended up facing a company of FJs, supported by a platoon of StuGs, two 251/1, a 20mm FlaK, two 75mm IG, a PaK 40, and two 81mm and one 120mm mortar observers. I had 3x Sherman 76, 1x Sherman 75, 4x M18, 5x Chaffee, 4x halftracks, 2x MG Jeeps, a single platoon of Engineers, two flamethrowers, and two 81mm and one 105mmVT observers. The board was large, moderate trees, modest hills, village, dry, clear.

I hid everyone away at the start, and inched three of the Chaffees into hull down positions. They were taken under fire by the StuGs at around 600-700m, and I lost the three while killing three. Much more than I expected from them! That gave me a chance to run most of my armor and the mounted engineers up the right flank, toward a large hill the StuGs were on. My advance encountered a few scattered FJ squads, which they disposed of (one of the FT teams actually got some kills!), and eventually were able to kill the remaining StuGs at the cost of an M18, an HT, a Chaffee, and the Sherman 75. All of those but the Sherman were lost to the 20mm Flak that was down in a depression in the far corner of the right flank. The AI dropped most of its arty during that advance, but I was able to move out of most of its fire, losing only a few engineers to it.

Now the hill was mine for the taking, which I did, bypassing a victory flag. I could see several infantry units around it, and until I could secure the center, I could not safely move armor into position to shell them into submission. By selecting an armor force, I meant to handicap myself, and my inability to clear the woods at that flag made my limitations obvious.

I placed the M18s on the hill to cover me, and advanced on the town in the center. As I moved in on the town, one of my 76s bogged, and another was destroyed by the Pak. The Pak and the two IGs were right near each other on a wooded hill on the left flank, but my area-fired 81mm support had little effect on the dug-in guns. They knocked out my HTs, or drove them into the fire of MG42s in the town, leaving me with only one that was missing its gunner. My remaining 76 knocked out the two German HTs at the same time. I was eventually able to move the 105 observer up, and in three turns, he destroyed all three guns while using only half of his ammo. Three cheers for VT arty support!

By this point, I was on the German edge of the board, behind the town. I set the bogged 76 to destroying buildings, and fired in the rest of the 105 ammo while moving up the rest of my armor and troops. My engineers were at about two-thirds strength, which would require me to significantly reduce the resistance in town before assaulting. I proceeded to do this, but the lack of HE on the M18s, and my loss of all but one Sherman and Chaffee, made this time-consuming.

After a few turns, my global morale was down to 48%, and it was clear I was not going to take the village from the platoon or so of FJs holding it (and at least two MG42s). The AI did not possess the strength to keep me from roving about the battlefield shooting up its infantry as long as my HE held out. Time was on its side, so I asked for a cease-fire, which the AI took, leaving me with a 30-70 loss. Casualties were pretty close, with 48 for me and 49 for the Germans, and I lost 12 vehicles to its 7. However, it had over 200 men left, and I had only about 50.

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