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sven hassel

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read all his books, i know it was mentioned on another post but anyone exactly tell me what he did, was he real?.

I thought the best books where the earliest ones after those he became a superman.


come death come...legionarre

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and was even tried by a court in Denmark for impersonating a German officer during the war

By Germans themselves. And, apparently, when the Germany surrendered and the Danes rushed in to free the prisoners, they saw him in a cell and locked the door again. (He had been an informer for the Germans).

- Tommi

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Fionn wrote:

Yeah, he was a nasty little piece of work wasn't he Tommi?

At least if the information on the "Hassel facts" website is correct. (I don't have the url handy and to tell the truth, I'm not interested in searching it again. Too depressing.)

However, given that I've read one Hassel's interview where he claimed that all events in his books have really happened to him, I tend to believe the worst of him. I don't object with a person writing WWII fiction, but when someone rips scenes word-to-word from other books and claims that they are his own experiences, I'm disgusted.

- Tommi

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