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QB: Random Forces less than Requested

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Me and Cueball were setting up an Operation, We used the random force from a QB [went to setup phase, wrote down all forces shown for our side] for the Initial Setup, then picked the reinforcements.

While entering the forces we both noticed the forces added up to only about 1750 instead of the 2000 chosen. Any ideas why?

[Note since this is my first post, I always play the allies, thus my signature]



Its a great day to kill a Hun

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Hi.....if one is a defender and one is an attacker, the attacker gets some extra jing to spend because of the great advantage of prepared defense...sounds like that's it

...i think i tried attack/def...takin Germans defenders gave me 1500 (that's what i requested)..same set up taking Americans gave me 2000 as the attacker

[This message has been edited by Fox (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Yes the troops were the same experience level.

Since a random experience level results in all the men being the same level Green or Elite [Wish it didn't do that] we selected regular and then recorded the exp level of each troop as well as what kind of unit. This would give us a random starting force for the Operations Map.

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