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Incredible battle shots

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Today Combat Mission outdid itself. This is the most amazing stuff I've seen in a computer game. (NOTE: This topic contains small spoilers for Elsdorf. If you're worried about them, don't read any further.)

















The Tigers promised in the mission briefing arrived right next to two of my advancing rifle platoons. It was quite literally do or die for H and I Platoons.

Up and at 'em! H Platoon charges the two remaining Tigers in the second turn of the firefight. (Overwhelmed by the battle, I forgot to take screen shots of the first turn. Duh.)

Staring death in the face, the brave GIs assault the Tiger. One of their grenades can be seen just in front of the Tiger's left track.

Success! H Platoon dashes for the meagre shelter of the trees as their shower of grenades wrecks this Tiger...but there's still one left!

Not any more. A Pershing comes through in the nick of time.

The thrill of victory. H Platoon takes a break amongst the carcasses of their prey.

No rest for the wicked, though. The town still had to be taken, and more Kraut tanks had to be dealt with. Their situation started rough and got worse.

First, two of their tank commanders were stricken with splitting headaches, courtesy of my sharpshooter "Sergeant Splatter". See the soon-to-be-scrambled TC noggins here and here. After that, there was nothing left but the coup de grace, which came in a particularly satisfying way. It's not too often that Allied players get to see something like this.


[This message has been edited by Dan Weaver (edited 07-09-2000).]

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