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Minefield (VOT) Spoiler?

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The minefield at the bottom of the first hill was marked at the beginning of the scenario (or shortly thereafter -- I forget). I got some engineers down to the scattered trees near the minefield where they sat a few turns. Voila, the sign went away.

Quite a while later, after knocking out the Panther, I sent a Sherman merrily down that road and BOOM, it got knocked out by the minefield. Suddenly the mine sign was back up. Doh!

Questions: How close do the engineers have to be to disable the things? Why did the sign disappear and then reappear only after I was suckered into driving over them? Hopefully this is covered in the manual in greater detail.

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The Germans in VoT get a "daisy-chain" minefield and one or more buried anti-tank minefields. The daisy-chain is just mines laying on the road, so they are easy to see and clear. My guess as to what happened is you cleared the daisy-chain but there were buried mines nearby and your Sherman found one, alerting you to the presence of more mines.


Leland J. Tankersley

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