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Hull Down (Again)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"This possibility was not discussed" [in That Other Thread].<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, we're taking care of that now, aren't we?!

A few more notes: neither the "TC-cam" nor the LOS-hulldown-indicator will make it much easier to move into hull-down positions, since you can only issue orders or use the LOS tool on turn boundaries. (The TC-cam would let you watch and see as you move, but as tom_w mentions you can't stop during the turn as a result of what you see.) They will help during setup, and will at least let you know after the fact if you have successfully maneuvered into a hull-down position.

Personally, I think either or both of these features would be useful and reasonable compromises, and neither of them have obvious implementation difficulties. (Non-obvious ones are left as an exercise for BTS.) Speaking of which ... Steve or Charles, are you reading this or have you long ago given up on the whole hull-down debate?


Leland J. Tankersley

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I agree here.

It's not giving away any new info. If you were in a tank you would know if you were. At least to a certain extent.

I think it's more unrealistic to require a tank to target if you need to find out if you're hulldown to a given location.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


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I'm glad this idea is generally liked. I would love it if BTS jumped in here. Another thing to address is whether the Hull Down info should be given where ever you target (my first sugestion) or whether it should be given only when you target objects (my second sugestion). #1 seems to be favored here, it certainly would help the player the most... but is it too gamey? I don't know if its realistic for every patch of ground to be checkable. Are you hull down to this location... what about the one a meter behind it? On the other hand, this could be balanced by the fact that you can only give orders every minute... there is simply a limit to the ammount of micro managing you can do. Just some thoughts. I'm moving to NYC and will be with out computer for a few days. What the hell am I going to do?? No combat mission?? frown.gif In anycase, thanks to all, as has been mentioned, this thread is much more... rational, than the previous one smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

Your mother was a hamster. tongue.gif


Well, it's nice to see we're open to some reasoned debate on this forum... wink.gif

The problem is this: Hull down doesn't work correctly in CM because the visual map doesn't completely match up with the game data, and tanks will sail past hull down positions when their left on their own. The compromises I've seen here always seem fine for the defender, but not for the attacker.

That's why I proposed using Rotate as a workable solution - not perfect, by any means - but, as there's no support for that here, I'll leave you guys to work out the minutae of your "small solution"... wink.gif

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Maybe I didn't understand your point. Actually, that's certain. I thought you were trying to warp this thread back into That Other Thread. [bTW, I'm disappointed no one posted anything about elderberries.] But if you were serious...

I don't understand why using the Rotate command for hull-down determination is preferable to the LOS tool. The rotate tool issues an order, which the user would have to countermand unless they happen to want to face in the direction they last checked HD status. The LOS tool seems better suited because it is already used for checking status, NOT for issuing orders. How would using the Rotate command make it easier for the attacker?


Oooooh. On rereading your post, I see you were trying to resurrect That Other Thread. Shame on you!


Leland J. Tankersley

[This message has been edited by L.Tankersley (edited 08-23-2000).]

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Seahawk, we're talking about getting a "hull-down" caption when using the LOS line to point at any point (in LOS) on the map, not just at a current potential target. That is, a way to find out whether, IF there were an enemy at that point, you would be hull-down with respect to them.


Leland J. Tankersley

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