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Anti-tank mines...second try

Guest Scott Clinton

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Guest Scott Clinton

M Hofbauer wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>first, I'm not your pal, pal. mate, maybe.

second, your profile's registration date doesn't support your fact that you have been around longer than me. However I concede to you the benefit of doubt that your profile was one of the erased ones, because I do remember you from before that time (if I remember anyone from back then).

I admit that you may have been making _more_ enemies _faster/earlier_ on this board than me, but I am not sure about who's been around longer. I wasn't the first one here, but I sure was around when the whole thing started, blue-on-white thread-ordered message board and all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm impressed but for someone with your attitude that statement is laughable. I have made a grand total of ONE enemy on this board or any other (and anytime that individual wants to call a truce I am all ears). How about you?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>third, even if you had been here longer, doesn't matter, I can S E A R C H anyone here asking for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You could also grow up. If you don't have anything constructive to add, don't. Pretty simple really.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>fourth, all that long time membership as a board member obviously didn't teaqch you to use the SEARCH function correctly. just a cursory entering of the words "paved" and "mines" brought these three links already:




your issue is adddressed there, down to the point of cobble stones etc.


Well, it appears like it has taught me more than you! Did you even bother to READ any of those THREADS? I think not as the last link was to the very tread I started and you were posting to!

The other two threads (already read by me last night thank you "Mr. Search-o-matic") do not even remotely resolve the question I asked. The first thread contains a single post by Steve (dated June, 1999!) detailing the three types of mines to be included in the game when it is released, where Steve says:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There are three different types; Anti-Pers, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Tank hasty (this last one is for paved surfaces mostly).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmmmm...not much help there, is there?

The second thread comes to the conclusion that anti-tank mines can and should be allowed to be placed in paved terrain... confused.gif

Now if this IS possible then okay...I have another problem because last night in a PBEM it was NOT possible to place anti-tank mines either on the paved road or the "pavement" terrain tiles. I think I still have the file and if this is the case I can send it in to BTS (if they want it).

...geee I guess these great threads don't really help after all do they? But, there is that circular link back to the very thread you were posting to... rolleyes.gif

No matter how you look at it a response to a valid question with the one word phrase: "SEARCH" is worthless and insulting.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 09-18-2000).]

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From the second thread:

NCrawler wrote:

> I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be the lucky bastard that gets to put mines under rocks...

Zamo wrote:

> Yeah that one sounded touchy to me as well. "Here Ed, Let me pry up this flagstone and you put that APERS mine under it...there ya go, now I'll just put this rock back like so and...***BOOM***

Seems like a good answer to me.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Guest Big Time Software

Hey, I said KNOCK IT OFF!

Now, to answer the question (before I lock up this one, and there had better not be a THRID topic started) it is my undestanding that when AT mines were placed in a stone road they didn't put the stones back. This made them easier to spot, so were of less value. However, they did offer the chance of whacking an unsuspecting vehicle. They would also deny the use of the road until someone could come in and dig the mine out. So in theory regular minefields should be able to be placed on hard roads, but I am not sure how common this was in the real war. In any case, you can put the daisychain mines on a road to acheive the same end.

If anybody has anything usefull to add (i.e. not some flamebait) feel free to start up a new topic. But if I see any crap in there, snap goes the padlock.


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