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Got it! and oddities with battle generator?

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Ahh! At last. CM lands in the South of England. Yesterday in fact, but only had a chance to have a really good look today. First impressions: Manual; superb (file under ‘how to write a manual’)

Editor; Wow, even I can use it, it’s got to be simple!

Scenarios; not yet! I’m saving these for slow consumption. Nice mixture though.

Battle generator; My favourite toy, excellent. Good mixture of units chosen by AI, lovely maps but……..

two problem areas to my mind.

The first is that the set-up zones take up too much of the map area and are always set to a default. IMHO there should be some randomness here; sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, or split into sections etc. Should definitely be smaller though as a lot of the map is wasted.

The second is that, when AI selects the units, it never, ever picks higher HQ’s.

Even the smallest battles are nearly company-size and should, realistically have, at least, a Company HQ and/or Battalion HQ. I know this game is really only geared to platoon-level C&C (it’s only major flaw IMO – I’d like to explore this in another thread), but this puts too much pressure on platoon HQ’s – if one is eliminated, then there is no possibility of back-up. My feeling is that every force should automatically choose at least one company level HQ and sometimes a Battalion level one as well (to simulate an important engagement or whatever)

Happy at last!



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