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More evidence for an IGNORE TARGET command

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Played a quick battle last night and had a forward-facing MG halftrack charging at a weaker halftrack head on. Two turns in a row I gave it explicit instructions to target the enemy halftrack, no LOS problems, and both times it immediately cancelled to target a flamethrower IN THE WOODS BEHIND IT.

Now I understand that a flamethrower is a high priority target, but this is a forward-gun-only vehicle! While it was moving straight into MG fire from the enemy halftrack, it was basically sightseeing 150 degrees behind and to the left of it, because it couldn't actually fire over there. Not a single round left its gun those two turns. "Realistic battlefield snafu?" I think not -- this was a crack level unit, folks.

Needless to say, my halftrack was knocked out on the second turn of the charge by the enemy MG (I cannot provide this saved game because it was TCP/IP).

I know that with so many variables on the killing field it's impossible to simulate the ideal AI, especially when it comes to targeting, and I know Matt has indicated that there are tweaks being made, but this seems like the perfect evidence in a case for trying to implement an IGNORE TARGET command.

Put the power in the general's hands. In situations like this, it's not too much micromanagement, it's basic survival.

Thanks for listening.

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When they were assembling the 1.0.5 (or .3, can't remember), BTS reduced vehicle's tendancy to turn to face infantry. As a result, the tanks kept getting blown away by zooks/fausts/shrecks. Therefore, it was increased back to where it is now.

Although we would sometimes like them to, CM soldiers don't always make the perfect decisions, and if they see the flamethrower as a bigger threat, they will target it.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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