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First review on the way.

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I just checked out the games domain web site (www.games-domain.co.uk)the strategy reviewer there has stated in his weekly note that he just recieved his copy of CM, this is what he said:

"Going to E3 can be rather like eating a very rich chocolate cake; you pig out on a lot of games, have a great time, but then don't feel like even looking at another one for quite a while. However, in contrast to the pre-E3 release drought, we're now about to see the games flowing again. The most eagerly awaited of these is probably the WWII 3D simultaneous turn wargame Combat Mission, which has now finally gone gold. It'll be available for purchase soon at a price of around $50. My review copy arrived this morning, and naturally enough installing it was the first thing I did after getting home from work.

On what I've seen so far of the final version - the last I saw of the beta was back around beta 52 or so - it looks like it'll live up to expectations. While you can try the Gold Demo for yourself (see the GD Demo section), it's not until you get the real thing, with a myriad of missions, plus scenario generator, that you can begin to appreciate the scale and scope of what's on offer. It's a truly staggering game, and one which while not to everyone's tastes will certainly attract a whole new breed of wargamers"

Hope I havn't broken too many laws in using that piece. But anyway this CONFIRMS TWO POINTS, firstly that CM is and will be a great game. Second and perhaps most importantly that CM is finished and started to be published or what ever you call making the CDs; and people, if only reviewers are recieving them (although as Steve has already said the manual is'nt ready). I end this note stating; TISSUES AT THE READY BOYS(and perhaps the odd but very rare girl) WE'RE IN FOR A STICKY SUMMER, and I ain't talking about the heat.

[This message has been edited by Owen (edited 06-01-2000).]

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