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Looking to play full FULL VERS ICQ match today ASAP

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Hi Im looking to play a QB full vers ICQ quick match (ATT/DEF set up )today ASAP smile.gif I have all day Im done with school for 5 weeks and ready to kick some serious A##$ in celebration! smile.gif I ONLY want an ICQ point QB and want to fin today if possible -- Anyone got the kajones for a long haul>? IF so email me or respond here and we can get rocking! smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-21-2000).]

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Man, you probably won't remember me, but I played quite a few battles against you vying for the number 1 ladder spot back in the days of CC2. I take it you're a Pro CMer now?

Anyway, just thought I'd say Hi, it was a blast from the past seeing your name here. I'm pretty new to CM, been playing the full version for a week or two, but I'd love to try a PBEM game at some point. If you get bored enough to wallop a relative newbie, let me know, I'm a glutton for punishment. Have a good one.


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hey Jeb!!

whats up man - long time smile.gif Sure I would be happy to play ya do you have time today? I will start a PBEM with you via email if not because it's been a long time since we've played smile.gif Hopefully you got time for the ICQ tho we had some hellacious CC2 battles smile.gif There are alot of the old gang here you will find ....

CM rocks theres no turning back tongue.gif



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Ahh, you did remember me. Nice to hear from ya!

Unfortunately, I'm at work right now so I'm CM-free for the time being. I'd still love to do a PBEM game though if you ever get the inclination.(is there a central listing of PBEM opponents somewhere?)

I've noticed some of the old-hands here and there around the board, not too surprising that this game would reel em all in. I'm really just amazed at how good CM is, it pretty much answers all my prayers for a wargame that I thought would NEVER be answered. I gotta say I still play *cough* the "other" wargame quite a bit still. Oh man, I'm gonna be incinerated for saying that. Seems like there's room for both of them in the world.

Anyways, hope to hear from you soon, I'd be honored to learn the ropes from you some time.I have some great memories of our epic battles.


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HEy Jeb,

Too bad about the work deal :P If youw ant we can get one going when ya get home - jsut set up a point battle and send me the setup wwith the parameters and we will take it from there - or if you are tight on time we can wait til the vers 103 patch comes out (they wont be backward compatible )

I cant seem me playing any CC anymore unless they pull a miracle on the 3d thing they are working(unless that is a BS rumor )

look forward to hearing from ya smile.gif



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