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Steve hopefully this will improve my credentials in your eyes. I have just posted a fairly lengthy submission to three forums giving them the basics on CM and providing links to battlefront, TGN CMHQ and this here forum on the missing links website- www.missing-lynx.com

Missing lynx is a relatively large military modelling web site, hopefully I can get a few people interested in CM over there and perhaps a few in ML here. (direct link to one of the forum pages- http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/47207)

The web site it self is a very good one, I recommend you lot take a look at their AFV photograph submissions, particularly the diorama ones (they are very good and can be appreciated even if your not interested in modelling). Any way I will continue to barrage missing lynx and other military modelling sites with CM propaganda (although propaganda isn't needed the game sells itself), if anyone wants to help me out feel free to do so.

P.S. I'm known as oz d on missing lynx, there is already an Owen registered on the site, which is a bit of a rare thing.

[This message has been edited by Owen (edited 04-01-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

If we disagree on one thing doesn't mean we have to disagree on everything wink.gif

Know the site, and know it well. In fact we have one model in CM right now that came from one of the "star" modelers of that site, James Blackwell. Check out his Panther G and you will see something familiar in the movie we just uploaded.


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Unfortuately missing links took my submission off the axis, allied etc forums it is now only on the general AFV discussion forum. However I checked my e-mails this morning and I had recieved quite a few pleasing comments on the subject, including Ian who runs missing links and military modelling mag (don't know it is worth trying to get him to publish something on the game,- over to you at BTS.) although now its been taken off four or so forums I don't know if I'll get as many reading my submission now, oh well.

Oh and someone said they saw Seve/Chris at an AMPS show taking photographs. He wants you to give him a free game Steve and everyone else else whos models you took pictures of. Cheeky little bugger wasn't he, much like me.

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Guest Big Time Software

Each model we took a picture of landed the modeler a free poster and a raffle chance to win a copy of CM. That was the deal and I can say every modeler that we dealt with was more than happy about that arrangement. A few guys even walked out with 3 posters wink.gif

We were planning on going to AMPS (the show in question) this year, but that would have set us back a lot of money (OPEC is partly to blame) and delay CM by about 2 weeks since the show is at the end of this month. So we decided against going this year.

We also found out a surprising thing. Most of the modelers there don't play wargames at all, not board or computer based. Odd, eh?


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 04-02-2000).]

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That explains why he was rambling on about a poster. I got e-mails from a couple of people who had heard about the game. One had tried the demo and was very impressed.

I, although an avide follower of Close Combat; (although I didn't buy that last one, I tried a friends and didn't think much improvement had been made , in fact I thought it took a step back in not allowing you to select individual units in the scenario editor). Have never played a turn based war game apart from the almighty Risk (don't think that counts) on either a board or PC. Although I hate to say this I don't think that I would have been particulariy interested in CM unless it had been 3D. Perhaps it is a visual thing as with other modellers, who I know are sticklers for visual detail. Maybe the time has come to get modellers interested in CM and other such games in the future. Doesn't it sound so easy.

P.S. Steve I just took a look at the Panther, it looks wicked. He's done a good job.

[This message has been edited by Owen (edited 04-02-2000).]

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