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Air bursts on roofs

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Hello all,

A while ago (no source I am afraid) I read somewhere that during mortar attacks one of the worst place the WW2 veterans found to hide was in buildings with a complete roof above them, as the bombs hit the roof the resulting air burst caused more rouble underneath it than it would normally as it included flint, clay or whatever the roof was made of.

Indeed during my basic in the RM I was told the same.

Does anyone know whether this is abstracted in the game, if infantry are hiding in single story buildings or the top story of the tallers one, do mortar bombs landing on the roof cause more damage in the resulting air burstor are the men considered under better protection?

Thanks for any comments, I have not setup tests for this however I have looked through the manual and can find nothing about this particular problem.



Well, I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it I wouldn't get shot, because I'm not going to shoot myself.

Mores the pity....

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The one-storey buildings in CM could in reality be one or two storeys, so I'm not sure a feature that applies only to one-storey buildings would be modelled.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gashford:

Hello all,

A while ago (no source I am afraid) I read somewhere that during mortar attacks one of the worst place the WW2 veterans found to hide was in buildings with a complete roof above them, as the bombs hit the roof the resulting air burst caused more rouble underneath it than it would normally as it included flint, clay or whatever the roof was made of.

Indeed during my basic in the RM I was told the same.

Does anyone know whether this is abstracted in the game, if infantry are hiding in single story buildings or the top story of the tallers one, do mortar bombs landing on the roof cause more damage in the resulting air burstor are the men considered under better protection?

Thanks for any comments, I have not setup tests for this however I have looked through the manual and can find nothing about this particular problem.



Page 45 of the manual, 3rd full paragraph from the top starting with "When a building or a unit in a building is fired at"

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