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real war explenation

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i said what i said for a reason. yes real war is cool, you guys take it WAY to seriously...a little artillery fire and some air strikes here and there isn't the end of the world. if you were there you would see that it wasn't that big of a deal, and anyone that came out of that war, really doesn't give a f--- what happend to the other people (i know about 20 people, they're just happy they got out)

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Some guys here have seen war, in ways you never have. "a little artillery fire" "some airstrikes" Ever give any consideration to the people, ie human beings like you , your parents or siblings, when they land? Ever seen a body split open by shrapnel. Smelled rotting and burned flesh. Ever figure what happens to a tank crew when the tank is euphemistcally "brewed up" They are burned to a crisp. War is NOT cool EVER! It is death, and misery and pain and destruction. You know who really long the most for peace and no war? Soldiers who have to do the fighting.

For centuries, gov'ts have sold young men a bill of goods about martial airs, fancy uniforms, god being on "our side". Why? Why is there basic training. Because most people will not kill another person or be capable of it in a deliberate way. We have to train then to be killers.....it starts with basic training.

I am not arguing against war or the military but let's not be deluded in what it is and isn't. You have alot of growing to do, I pray that you have the time to do it, that you NEVER have to experience what soldiers have to experience in war....but do not gloryfy it, or the sacrifices any soldier makes by calling it "cool"

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Guest KwazyDog

My family lived though World War 2 in England and were bombed constantly. We lost a lot of relatives and a lot of good people died.

Everybody is allowed their opinion davion, and I have no problems with that. But I am doubtful many share your opinion that war is *cool*, and I know for a fact that the survivors morn the less lucky.

I am going to lock this one up becuase it will only cause disagreement and will get nasty...


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