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Newbie PMER seeks 1st PBEM

Guest Seimerst

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Guest Seimerst

Now that the excellent AI has worked me over I am ready to see how this jewel of a game shines man to man.

You pick the scenario and side if you wish. Not too tiny and not too large-- just medium like Goldilocks.

My email is: 72053.726@compuserve.com

Thanks in advance for your patience and lesson you will impart.


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Swing by the CMHQ Chat. There's always opponents to be had there.

Matt's Chat-O-Love Server


Scarred on a hundred fields before

Naked and starved and travel-sore

Each man a tiger hunted;

They stood at bay as brave as Huns

The last of the Old South's splendid sons

Flanked by ten thousand shotted guns

And by ten thousand fronted

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Guest Seimerst

I have called a major disaster and a major irritant-- and even a major in the US army some time ago. I have "fogged a mirror" and been promoted twice after that. Last six months on active duty until retirement at 30 years. My plans are to play CM most of the day. My wife insists that after three decades of humping a ruck around the world's less glamourous spots, I had better go out and get a real job.

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