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German WW2 tank footage download

Guest KwazyDog

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Guest KwazyDog

Well, on a lighter note. wink.gif I came across some downloadable footage in my travels yesterday of a King Tiger, Panther (damn, can they move) and a Stug in action. Thought it may be of interest to some wink.gif Its at :


If anyone else has any other sites where for such download, please pass them on smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 02-10-2000).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Umm, ahh well, it aint my site. smile.gif

It dosnt stop them from being interesting though.....not sure about that being illegal or not, it depends where and how Atomic got their footage, I doubt they were there to film it themselves smile.gif

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Guest KwazyDog

Errm, buggers me wink.gif To be honest I found the mpegs linked off another site, but thought I should put the hosting site up considering I was posting it....had I known they were on the CC3 CD and most people here woulda seen them I wouldnt have bothered...

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Panther has the repuation for speed and mobility - now I belive it! That thing moves! SOme horsepower tucked away there at the back, wouldn't mind getting that engine for a my car biggrin.gif

WOuld be a hard target to hit for any opposing tank wink.gif



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