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Will the 3D Sound Accelerated sound be fixed in the final CM?

Guest Mark Jensen

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Guest Madmatt

Yeah well the subject doesn't say squat!!! frown.gif

You wanna post a little more information there son? Like what it is that it is or isn't doing for you. I have a CL Soundblaster Live card and have had no problems with either positional audio or its 3d accelerated implementation in both Demo and Beta.

What hardware/drivers are you running?

What is the problem you are having?

Madmatt out...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-17-2000).]

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I know, and BTS is aware, that users of the TB Montego sound cards had issues when the acceleration was turned up all the way. We got little (and in some cases no) sound. It was a fairly simple fix, but I don't know if BTS has rectified the bug yet.


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Guest Madmatt

Oh that one, yes I remember that bug now...There were several games that had similar problems with Direct Sound Acceleration turned all the way up. It was only recently that Everquest squashed that bug with the Sound Blaster Live cards. The fix usually (and I dont know if this worked with CM or not) was to go into Direct X properties for Direct Sound and reduce the acceleration a notch or two. I will try and find out this for you but perhaps Steve or another of the Beta Testers could comment as I don't have this particular sound card...

Madmatt out...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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