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Update on the Lack of An Update..Update..CMHQ

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Hello everyone! Well this day had to come...After 3 months of tireless work I missed an update! Sorry about that..Mark this day with silence and hope its like never again passes...Although it will, for a few more days.

You see CMHQ is about to get a massive AND I MEAN MASSIVE facelift which will more inheritantly intergrate it with the The Gamers Network.

I will try to at the very least throw a POTD or two at ya in the interim and this new look should be set to go by the end of weekend...

So be patient, wish us luck as Fionn and I have a huge load of work ahead of us but the benfits will make this all worthwhile in the end!

Thanks again!

Madmatt cool.gif

The site will still be reachable while this work goes on, it just wont be updated as much! wink.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Well, it had to come to this...he missed a day, so now I have to remind them of something smile.gif

Whatever happeneed to the Wild Bill and Warmeister vs Madmatt and Fionn challenge? I remember the glove being thrown down, and I even remember testing a balanced scenario for the fight. Did someone back out in fear from either side? smile.gif

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The mighty behemoth swallows yet another vibrant, growing fan site. Tilt your heads downward in lament as Madmatt is forced to sell himself to the great Harlot of Corporate Wargaming. Weep for the loss of innocence. Shed tears for the stolen glory. Cry over the missed update. Selah.

(The preceding has been a dramitization born of a mind starving from update deprivation. Please disregard.)

Any resemblance to existing wargaming entities is purely accidental.

biggrin.gifeek.gifbiggrin.gif (as I break my New Year's resolution to cut down on smilies)

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Guest Madmatt

Vibrant, growing?!? Sounds like what I got here right in my PANTS!!!! Send in the harlot!!! Honestly guys, you are going to LOVE the new look! But I will have to redo EVERY page thats currently on the site...If there was another way to do this AND provide the same level of coverage you have come to expect from CMHQ I would do it...The numbers (as in amount of hours) just don't add up and it's gotta be one or the other...New site layout wins out... wink.gif

Madmatt out cool.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-03-2000).]

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OK, I was at a soccer official's clinic, and just got back, but am SHOCKED to see that Wild Bill and Warmeister did not reply to this. OK guys, I want to see an AAR from all of you, and on the scenario I tested for this. May the best group win...


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