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Some help needed from the "mod" experts of CM terrain...


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I would like to be able to "tint down" (or make darker) a set of tree textures that was provided as a mod set at CM HQ (Rich Tremblett's, I think). At my first attempt to do so, however, the tree textures on the CM map became blank-white blocks. Not so good.

One possibility I'm thinking that I did wrong here is that I didn't save my revised bmp's with the right "dpi" resolution (dots per inch?). I think my first save was at 72 dpi. Another is that with the bright pink background of the tree textures, maybe I caused an inadvertant change to this background and caused some "recognition fault." It's just guesswork to me now, so any suggestions offered here are appreciated.


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Hey Spook,

What probably happened is that you lost the transparency setting for the BMPs. That pink colour tells the program not to display anything there (make it transparent) so if you adjust the hue of that pink from it's original, even minutely, you've lost all transparency and the BMP will display as a big chunk.

One way to get around this is to somehow mask out the pink colour when you are editing the trees - some paint programs have a 'wand' tool, or colour selector tool, which allows you to only select pixels in a certain colour range. You could use this to select the pink pixels and then do an 'inverse' command to have only the tree graphics selected. Another option is just area filling the pink pixels (after you've adjusted the whole BMP) with the proper pink colour (usually has a value of 255,0,255).

'dpi' shouldn't make a difference - CM even allows you to use larger or smaller BMPs than the originals, though you might have to keep your proportions (length to width) the same.

Hope this helps,


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