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Runnin & Gunnin

Guest Scott Clinton

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Lewis said:

Hmm, I thought the whole thing about troops running was revised per your input.


Well thats a tweak to me. I am talking real changes in the game. And BTW I still feel that units running need to be more susceptible to more pinning also.

I am thinking that maybe a order like "assault" is needed in the game. These are limited in number and are the only way to get into enemy held territory. I believe that the lack of hexes in the game is good but they threw the baby out with the bath water. Namely zones of control. Units should have a shaded area around them that reps the ZOC. It would just abstract that the defenders get automatic ambush benefits when the enemy waltzes in. This ZOC will shrink down when they get pinned, have casualties ,etcc.


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