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Why Dont You Quit You Bitchin' And Remember Whats At The End Of Road! CMHQ!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. wink.gif Hehe.

Seriously though, it's not that the PIII's are bad, it's just that

once the newer Athlons come out they will be noticeably faster, much

more readily available and lot cheaper to buy ram for. And since this

system is going to cost quite a bit of money, I want all the

performance (especially 3D) that I can possibly get. The longer

I can avoid updating in the future, the better. smile.gif

Having said that, there's no doubt that a fast PIII is one speedy

machine as well. And if someone were to give me one I could live with

that and be quite happy. smile.gif Have fun running CM at high res and

high frame rates. smile.gif By the way, how does the new system handle

CM in a *large* battle situation? I'm very curious to know. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee:

Seriously though, it's not that the PIII's are bad, it's just that

once the newer Athlons come out they will be noticeably faster, much

more readily available and lot cheaper to buy ram for.


My chrystal ball says that parity will reign. While AMD is getting yeild in Austin, Intel has 2 more fabs ramping production of .18 parts and there's another that just shut down prduction of 6" flash wafers (with no announcementt of what it'll do next) and a fourth that is being built and should be at full power mid year 2001.

And there's the Rockwell fab in Colorado that was sold to Intel before it actually made anything. We'll see how long it take to get that into the virtual factory system.

Oh, and there's no law that says you have to use RDRam, the 820 chipset will take PC133 as easily as AMD can.

I think that AMD's temporary production advantages are not going to help is becasue I don't think that they will be long lived enough to get their problems with mobo manufacturers, card designers, and the like worked out before Intel is full footed again and using their enormous foundry potential to flood the market (Criag Barrett: "We're big enough that we can even make mistakes work (on the initial rev of the Celeron)"). So in the end, it's going to still be a stalemate, which neither compnay wants, but will do us all good...

...reading what I have above.. I should probably stop jumping onto any pro AMD statement. I'm not nearly that much of an Intel running dog. I just have stock and want it to grow more.

..so (trying to change the subject), anyone see the tidbit that Fionn left in c.s.i.p.w-h about the "big announcement" at the end of the month? And how it... well, read for your selves:


(Old Salt)

> I didn't read all his post so didn't catch that. WOW, hope

>it has to do with a release data for CM, hint, hint, hint...


I believe it does.


Is the time of the Rapture that so many ofthe true beleivers have awaited finally at hand?

[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 03-18-2000).]

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True, with the newer chipsets Intel is working on you can

use PC 133 but without rambus I'm fairly sure that the PIII's would

suffer a performance hit relative to the Athlon's using 133.

Not positive about that though. Currently the fastest PIII's

are barely keeping up with the Athlon (not that you are likely

to be able to find many 1000 mghz PIII's for sale anyhow) and that

is while using rambus. Take that away and they may suffer. But

once the full speed L2 cache Athlon comes out it's all over for

the PIII. They will not be able to keep up regardless of ram type

used. AMD should be releasing that chip very soon.

Now, what will happen in the long run is anyone's guess.

Hopefully both companies will remain locked in a fierce struggle

which will put more and more power in the gamers' hands much faster

than would otherwise be the case. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee:

Take that away and they may suffer. But

once the full speed L2 cache Athlon comes out it's all over for

the PIII. They will not be able to keep up regardless of ram type

used. AMD should be releasing that chip very soon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, we'll see. Don't have the specs for Willamette, but I've heard "IT's all over for Intel" too many times, and damned if they (ok, we) don't keep releasing product to hold interest (and yes, market the hell out of what thye have)


Now, what will happen in the long run is anyone's guess.

Hopefully both companies will remain locked in a fierce struggle <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As long as AMD can dodge their creditors, that struggle should go forward for a good long while. Looks like they may be able return to quarter to quarter profitability for the first time in a while (I think...) next month. When that happens I'm sure they will be around for the long haul.

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I didn't say it was over for Intel when the new Athlons come out,

I said it was over for the PIII. Those chips won't be able to keep

up any longer. smile.gif Who knows how Intel's new chips will perform,

maybe they'll be faster yet. But then we have no idea when those

will actually come out. Intel has some major catch up to do right

now. Should be fun to see what happens next. smile.gif But for the short

term it looks like AMD will outpace Intel on the high end chips.

And since I intend to buy a system within the next few months, the

AMD will likely be the best thing available at that time. And I

need all the 3D power I can possibly get, so if the Athlons come in

at 10% faster in Quake III (good for testing 3D performance) then

I have to go with what has more power. Not to mention the fact

that AMD's chip will be the only chip in that speed range that will

actually be available in significant numbers. I don't intend to go

on a 2 month backorder waiting for chips when I order my new system.

I'm going to want that machine right away. smile.gif

Considering all these things, the AMD chip is the only real choice

if one wants that level of speed right away.

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Guest Madmatt

And now I watch as my little threads getting flushed down the ****ter into a meaningless and pointless point counterpoint about Athlon vs. PIII's or AMD vs. Intel. See, thats why I asked for there to be no techno babble followup but no ones ever listens to me... wink.gif

Personally I think you guys are all a bunch of GEEKS and need to get some sun and be away from the computer for awhile! wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Hey, it's not my fault. If you guys had just accepted my statements

as fact then there would have been no need to debate the point at

all, hehe. wink.gif

Note: Just because I have some (ok, a LOT wink.gif) intelligence does

not make me some girly-man wimpy geek. I also enjoy and excel at

pick up games of tackle football with my friends and cousins

as well as wrestling and destroying things with serious tactical

weaponry. To name just a few of my more manly pursuits, lol. smile.gif

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Guest Madmatt

Tactical weaponry? Wimp! Real men use Strategic Weapons!!!

And They Also Capitalize EVERY First Letter Of Every Word In A Sentence...




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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B-52? VERY old-fashioned don't you think. Go for something new and sporty.. and in red if possible.

A red B2 should send just the right message to all the women of the world. "I'm rich, manly but also have a sensitive side." That's the tone your strategic strikes have gotta have if you wanna succeed wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

A red B2 should send just the right message to all the women of the world. "I'm rich, manly but also have a sensitive side." That's the tone your strategic strikes have gotta have if you wanna succeed wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Also a respect for the classics.

Only problem is is that the stock stereo is ****... Now if you could put a modern CD player in the glove box and an amp/ex under the seats, then you'd have something.

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Well Clay, that's what all that money Congress votes for "upgrades" and "black projects" is for.

As someone I once knew said.. "If I've GOT to fight to the death at least I'm gonna try to fight to the death in style and comfort"

Personally I'd go for the "go-faster stripes" (it's a mother slow plane), snazzy computer-operated turn-table with 100 CD automatic jukebox (shielded against EMP of course), major speakers under the chair and force-feedback everything wink.gif.

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