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TCP/IP Scenarios

Guest rune

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With the approach of the tcp/ip patch..I decided to create some of the scenarios I am famous for. Yes, Evilness in its purest forms. SO, I have created for you:

Chance Encounter 2: A remade Chance encounter, with lots of surprises good for 2 player play.

Valley of Trouble 2: Another remake, this of the classic Valley of trouble, good for two player game.

A river runs through it: A 2 player designed game, the players loved this one.

Night of the engineers: A 2 player game, designed with engineers in mind.

Croda_marlow: Made for the 2 named individuals, a fair but nasty fight.

And being tested:

Battle of the Bulge: HUGE GAME, you need a fast computer for this one. Based on the movie we love to hate.

A Matter of Honor: Based on the true attack of Fort du Roule near Cherbourg, France. ALSO HUGE, fast computers only.

Don't ask for these yet, made with the new build, they cannot be used untill the patch is out...but now you have some new double blind battles.


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To all who care to read, these scenarios are incredible! Two thumbs up from me.

These scenarios do a wonderful job of hightlighting the true evil that resides within rune. Rune, if you're listening, good job buddy! No get back in your cage and make more evilness!

Battle of the Bulge is NOT for slow computers, but is really funny to play.

Keep up the good work rune, we all appreciate your efforts.

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