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Madmatt, please help my poor eyes

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I hope one of your first website improvements here on the CM forum will be to fix the black print on dark green background. It is very hard to see and read. I continually overlook threads I have already opened in the header section, and have trouble reading the inside posts which happen to have dark green backgrounds.

White text on dark green works for the unopened thread headers, but would be hard to read at length. Black text works on the light blue background. Color combos involving darker text and lighter backgrounds seem to work best.

Please give this your immediate attention to help the seniors and preserve the eyesight of the youngsters.

Thank you.


Just call me Lucifer 'cause I'm in need of some respect....

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It may be that your monitor is too dim. I would call the 'dark green' backgrounds turquoise, and I know that my computer displays colours as they should be, because I work in the graphics field. I would agree that 'visited links' are less clear, though – dark green text on turquoise.

I would also agree that the alternate blue/turquoise of posts is a bad idea. It's good for distinguishing one post from another, but bad where specific colours may be clear on one background while dim on another.

Lastly, it's an old wives' tale that looking at something unclear will hurt your eyes. There is no part of your eye which can be harmed by reading in low light, or trying to read small or low-contrast text. You can only hurt your eyes by looking at bright light, or a laser, or poking them with a stick. Generally keeping healthy will do far more for your eyes than trying to avoid 'straining' them.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Guest KwazyDog

Lawyer, this can also be the setup of your browser I believe.

In IE if you go to the tools and internet options section it should bring up a dialog box with the button 'colours' down the bottom. Click on it and you should be able to change the colours of visited and non visited links.

Hope that helps wink.gif

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Part of the problem is the gamma of the color space used to create web pages. When I create a web design I do it on a monitor with a gamma set to 2.2 and a room color temp of 6700 degrees which allows me to see color WYSIWYG. PC monitors do not have a fixed color space, and Windows based PCs do not have a fixed gamma, white point, or even use a truly fixed color space.

What that means is every PC is very different in how it sees color. So Matt could be designing on one end of the spectrum, and you could be viewing on the other end of the spectrum. Most PC users have very little option on how to reset their white point.

Usually when remaining in the RGB color space designing on a PC and viewing on a PC is no big deal. It really becomes an issue when going to video or print, which use different color spaces, that you often see what is called the "PC Green Effect", namely the person designing on the PC has their monitor set to remove color problems, but this keeps them from seeing that the faces are greenish.

The long and the short is, you need to reset your monitor if it has the controls. You need a full screen color bar and some natural color savvy to do it, or you need a PC version of Colorsync.

More likely -- nothing can be done. Matt's page shows up ok on my color balanced monitor under studio light, which is a test of the median.

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I have an Iiyama VisionMaster 450 with fine color contrast and brightness in other programs and CM itself.

Perhaps this is a matter of taste. Check out the Combatsim forums to see what I mean about better color contrast that makes reading and noting opened threads easier. They use the same forum program with different color schemes.

The dark background colors with black text in the CM forum hinder easy reading. I'm just trying to make a helpful suggestion. This is not a technical issue.

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